Sunday, July 1, 2012

Yellowstone Leftovers

Some of the wildlife in Yellowstone was very comfortable around people - maybe too comfortable.

I was changing the disk in my camera when I heard Bill (who had gone ahead down a trail) make a noise to get my attention. I looked up and this beautiful coyote was not 5 feet away. He paid absolutely no attention to me as he was on the hunt for a small ground squirrel. I've seen coyote before but never this close and never looking this healthy with such a nice full coat of fur.

And this is my Grizzly Bear! We were out driving after dinner and stopped to see what a crowd was looking at. One of the rangers had a scope set up. All I saw was a black spot - and I would never have seen that had it not been for the ranger.

The ranger told us that this is "Scarface" the oldest Grizzly in the park. It's not much of a picture - but it's proof that I actually saw him!

Momma Elk with her baby keeping cool beside the river.

There were hundreds of RV's traveling through the park - and I swear they were all rentals - like in the movie National Lampoon's Vacation. I looked for Chevy Chase but he must have been in the camper.

The Lake Yellowstone Hotel is quite a structure - but I loved the bus even more! We saw it several times driving visitors around to see the sights.

The best part of Yellowstone are the geothermal features - and there are lots of them! Yellowstone is actually a massive caldera of a supervolcano. There is a great explanation of the Yellowstone Geology on Wikipedia.

Boiling Water...

Beautiful colors...

Bubbling mud...

Fabulous vistas...

and more boiling water. The side excursions to see these sights are well worth it - plus you get some exercise. Ample signage explains everything you are seeing - but, for a better understanding, I would recommend doing some homework before you go.

I can't help but think that sights like this - beautiful as they are -are begging for a wildfire.

We left the park by the NE entrance/exit, into Montana for a minute and a half and through some beautiful parts of Wyoming via the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway.

I don't know who this fat, white-hair old lady is - or why my wonderful hubby Bill is posing with her at the summit!

A Mountain Bluebird greeted us at the top. It was a great trip and I'm anxious to return!

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