Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas! It's a beautiful sunny morning here in the OTOW compound so Bill (here's a shocker) is already up and out at the RC flying field crashing his planes so he'll have a project repairing them later in the day. I'm not sure how he will survive without heading to the hobby shop - but hopefully his other hobby (feeding me) will keep him busy.

Son John is still asleep after losing a wild game of combat dominoes last night. We played until the wee hours of the morning - probably past 9:00 PM!!

My bird feeders in the backyard are a hive of activity with Goldfinches, Bluebirds, Titmice, Cardinals, House Finches, Doves and Sparrows. The Killdeer are playing out back and there are Blue Jays in the tree out front. I love my life!

So before I get started making chocolate chip cookies for Johnny, I think I'll finish posting some of the backlog of pictures from our trip to Fort Myers.

We've made some great new friends here at OTOW and two of them, Peg and Bob, came down to spend the weekend with us in Ft. Myers. Peg is a fabulous quilter, so I knew she and Beth would hit it off (the three of us hit all of the quilt shops in the area - what a blast!) and Bob is a RC flyer so we took them over to the Cape Coral RC field. Naturally I had my camera - but I wasn't looking at the planes.

I watched these two friends sitting on the fence at the end of the field - chatting it up and ignoring the activity on the field.

The talkative bird is a Meadowlark and his friend is a Loggerhead Shrike.

I guess the shrike got tired of listening and decided to check the wind direction.

Deserted, the lark found comfort in food and plucked a juicy worm from the grass and ate it. Don't you think he looks guilty?

This Bald Eagle felt no guilt as he finished his meal high in a pine tree. He is a teenager on the verge of adulthood with some of the brown on his face still visible.

Over at the ball field where we see the Burrowing Owls, I watched these two Osprey torment a noisy nest of Monk Parakeets high atop one of the stadium lights. It looked like the Osprey were hoping one of the parakeets would make a tasty meal, but despite their efforts, the parakeets were safe.

I hope all my readers will stay safe this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

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