Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Day, Another 500 Pictures

This morning, Bill and I were out of the house by 6:15 am - heading for Palmer Park to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful.

Later in the day we headed down to Fountain Valley Nature Center.

The nature trails wind around a meadow and a couple of lakes with beautiful views of Pikes Peak.

We usually see some interesting ducks by the island in the middle of the lake.

Mature Cattails are a sure indication that Fall is almost here.

A large flock of geese flew over while we were strolling around, enjoying the beautiful day. I, of course, had my new camera - so I was busy taking hundreds of pictures, trying many of the settings. This picture (and about 30 more just like it) was taken on the sports setting - the camera just clicks away taking 3-4 shots per second. I only took about 25 pictures - but came home with almost 500!!!

The new camera has 18 megapixels so I am able to crop images quite a bit. Here I cropped out a single goose from the flock as they flew by.

But this was the real reason I wanted to go to the Nature Center - baby Barn Swallows. These four little cuties are just about ready to fledge.

This is one of the babies trying out his wings. I was hoping to see him on his maiden voyage - but he wanted to stick around a little longer and wait for mom to bring some goodies.

As soon as mom is near - they all open wide and yell "feed ME, ME, ME!"

While I was taking pictures, a group of children stopped to see what I was looking at. They were every bit as cute as the birds.

The children watched while momma swallow fed her babies.

I'm sure it was delicious.

As she turned to find more bugs to feed the baby birds, the children got on their school bus and headed back to class.

I love my new camera!!!

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