Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Plane Crash at Sea Hawks Park

On Monday, Bill crashed his RC plane at the air park while trying to do stunts. It crashed nose first onto the hard road and broke into pieces. When he came home, I wanted to take a picture of the wreck - but Bill wasn't understanding my need for photo-story opportunities!

That afternoon we drove to Naples and Bill bought a new plane - one that should be better at acrobatics. He's assembling it and parts are scattered around the house. This morning, he's off to the flying field with a plane he bought at a swap meet and fixed up to fly. I hope he has better luck.

Yesterday we went to a new beach at the end of John Morris Road. We had heard that the beach is frequented by local nudists - but we did not see any. None-the-less, it was a strange beach - in many ways.

The beach started off sandy but as we walked south, it was more mud than sand. There were live Crown Conch everywhere! In this picture, they are eating a clam (actually a Tellin - which we also saw lots of). The beach was littered with Oyster shells.

This is a small - but beautiful - Lightning Whelk. It was alive so we put it back in the surf.

And there were birds. Lots of birds. I would have more pictures, but I forgot to charge my battery after our trip to the Everglades - so, of course, it went dead.

These two pictures are for my sister - her favorite bird, the Brown Pelican. I took these pictures in at the dock in Everglades City

Isn't this picture a hoot? This is the Snowy Egret we encountered on the beach at Marco Island.

I think this picture needs a caption.

Any suggestions?

In other news, I had three of my pictures and accompanying story published in the neighborhood newspaper - a very small monthly - but still kinda exciting. I am also submitting some of my photos from Fakahatchee Strand into the Florida Park's photo contest.

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